Hoy comienza el workshop con los alumnos de arquitectura de la Univesridad de Bulgaria, con motivo de la semana de la arquitectura de Sofia organizada por los curator Ljubo Georgiev y Hans Ibelings. Os dejamos el video explicativo y el Manifiesto 2011 elaborado por los mismos curator.
Accepting limitations. SAW 2011 will also give platform to architects who seek their freedom by exploring the conventions and traditions within the limitations of their discipline. Designers who experience the liberating effect of accepting constraints and within them achieve to create high quality environments.
In the first approach architecture is sometimes truly capable of changing what one expects from it. In the second architecture is meeting one’s expectations, albeit sometimes in an unexpected way.
Each of these two approaches treats differently one of the great ambitions of architecture: its capability to project, to look forward, to bring change. Architecture might be limited, but architectural imagination never is. SAW11 will deal with the extent, in which architecture can (still) function as a transformative tool for the urban environment in an age in which utopian ideals are replaced by city marketing, and making improvements in the cityscape is often subordinated to making profit.
Ljubo Georgiev and Hans Ibelings